
A to Z Blog Challenge

Q = Commitment to Quality Work

Successful and motivated writers must produce quality work. If they don’t, sooner or later they won’t be successful and their articles, stories and books won’t be purchased. Thus, it is absolutely essential for writers to produce quality manuscripts at all times. Here are a few ways to produce quality manuscripts. 1. Write about a new fresh topic, one that hasn’t been written about over and over again. 2. Have a unique slant to your article or story. 3. Do a lot of research about your topic. 4. Proofread and revise your work several times. 5. Have a professional critique of your work, if possible. 6. Believe in yourself. 7. Take courses and workshops to keep improving as a writer. By following these tips, you’ll be committing yourself to producing quality manuscripts. Try it! Irene S. Roth Author and Editor

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