
Are you too busy to write?

Some of us say that we are too busy to write. Most of our day seems to be filled with activities that take us from one activity to another, and we just can’t seem to focus long enough to write. This is especially the case for individuals who work full time and are trying to fit writing into their busy lives. If this sounds familiar, today’s reflection is for you. I have worked full time most of my life and I also got a lot of writing done too. That is because I made sure that I spent an hour or two writing each and every day. In fact, I usually tried to wake up a half an hour or an hour earlier, and I would just sit and write. That is what gave me all of my success as a writer and it also kept me sane. I find that I get very angry and unhappy when I take a few days away from the desk and I don’t write. I feel very motivated to write, and when I don’t, I feel that something is missing in my life. So, I just sit down and write, and then I feel so much better. Writers can’t afford not to write. We should never feel too busy to write. If we aren’t writing regularly, its because we don’t have our priorities in the right place. So, take the time today to re- evaluate your writing priorities. You will feel much more fulfilled and you will be happier. And one added benefit? You will get some writing done every day and this will really add up by the end of the year. ~ Happy writing! ~ Irene

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