
I am Launching a New Free E-book

I am very excited to announce the launch of a new E-book that will be available on my blog within a few weeks. Please visit to receive expert advice about different aspects of the writing life.
And there is more good news! You could download this book for FREE! Isn’t that just a wonderful way to start 2011! I am very excited indeed! I am sure all of you will really benefit from the E-book!
We are entering a new year and a new decade writing partners. We need to assess what worked and what didn’t work. But most of all, we have to celebrate our successes. So, today, take the time to celebrate your successes! I’m sure you have quite a few!
When you get a chance, I would suggest that you read a wonderful book that I had the privilege to read over the holidays. It is Joyce Meyer’s Eat the Cookie, Buy the Shoes. If you haven’t read it, treat yourself to a copy or borrow it from the library.
All the best for 2011. I hope it’s your most productive year ever!

~ Irene

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