
10 Tips For Success from my Dog Milo

I have been watching my dog, Milo since I adopted him a few years ago. I discovered dogs have a lot of wisdom to offer writers. There is so much that’s innately genuine about a dog. They know how to love and they never worry about what others think about them. As long as they have love and food, the rest will take care of itself.  

So here are 10 tips for success that my dog Milo taught me that I think can offer writers solace and success.

*1. Be consistent

Dogs consistently follow through on things they should do. They don’t go on social media or distract themselves by doing a lot of things they shouldn’t to complete a goal. Instead, they focus on the things they should do to complete their goals.

It would be great if writers can create routines that work for them and stick to them. This may take some experimentation. But it’s sure worth it because success comes from creating these routines and sticking to them.

*2. Be Tenacious

Dogs are typically determined to get what they want and to do what they want. They are stubborn and they won’t stop at anything before they actually get what they believe they need and want.

There are times writers act as if they have no needs. And even when they know they need to write every day in order to be successful, anything will upchuck them and turn them away from their main goal. It’s time for writers to get as determined in doing the things that will help us succeed.

*3. Dig Deep

Dogs have a great time getting outside into the backyard and digging in the ground. They love to unravel what they can as they dig deep and they are curious and intuitive.

Writers can gain some wisdom from that. We tend to stay on the surface of our writing lives. We don’t give ourselves the time to reflect and dig deep. Instead, we are distracted by so many things and we focus on anything but what we should be in order to complete our writing goals.

*4. Guard Your Creative Time

Dogs love to play. They love to roll around and let their humans entertain them by chasing them. They also enjoy playing with their toys. These are some of the most fun times for dogs.

Writers should also find time to be creative. We should never allow other people to distract us from our goals. Instead, we should make sure that we guard our creative time as if our success depends on it—because it does.

*5. Chill and relax

Dogs have no problem lying down and having a nap. If they’re tired, they just pick a corner or a soft place and they’re gone into slumber.

Writers don’t spend enough time relaxing. When they’re not working or writing, they’re doing housework, cleaning, ironing, washing, and tidying up. Some writers can’t stop organizing their office. This wastes time and ensures that they don’t complete their goals.

*6. Think outside of the box

Dogs do things different things sometimes, when we least expect it. My dog Milo spends a lot of time just looking at things from different angles.

We’d be better writers if we did the same. There are so many ways to write and to be successful. If one doesn’t work, we should try another way.

*7. Don’t compare

Dogs never compare themselves to other dogs. Instead, they assert their individuality. And what’s not to like? They are amazing creatures with such an interesting disposition and personality.

Writers are always comparing themselves to others. So many of us waste our time hoping that we will become New York Times Bestsellers that we don’t do the hard work to become excellent writers. No workshop will help us do that. No agent will help us achieve that. Only we can through hard work.

*8. Focus on what’s most important

Dogs know what’s most important and they stick to it. They don’t waste their time on things that aren’t in line with what they want and need to do.

Writers would be a lot more successful if they determined what was most important to completing their writing goals and then did nothing but that. Instead, writers are taking workshops, reading irrelevant books, talking to friends or doing anything else to complete their goals. Sadly, none of this will help them.

*9. Get some exercise every day

Dogs love to move and run. They feel better and healthier. Writers would be smart to do the same. Being sedentary isn’t healthy. We should try to get 30 minutes of exercise every day.

*10. Treat yourself to something nice every day

Dogs love treats. They look for them and they are so happy when they get a cookie that they didn’t expect or a special food. 

Writers should also treat themselves after every goal that they accomplish. This will help them feel more inspired to complete their goals. And who knows, it may even breed success.

By taking these tips to heart, you will become the writer you deserve to become. Your success is in the palms of your hands. Use your talents wisely and write.

Try it!

Irene Roth

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